Lewis-Powers Family History
The Genealogy of the Lewis-Powers Family
US & British Isle, Joseph Thomas Biographical Dictionary: 1890
Title US & British Isle, Joseph Thomas Biographical Dictionary: 1890 Author Barghouti, Kim, comp. Publisher Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2001.Original data - Lippincott's Pronouncing Biographical Dictionary, University of Nevada, Reno Library. Philadelphia, PA, USA: J.B. Lippincott, Joseph Thomas M. D. LL. D, 1890.Original d Repository Ancestry.com Source ID S-1608674480 Linked to (4) "Reichen" Fulk Anjou, the Rude IV
Fulk V Younger Anjou
Ermengarde DuMaine
Geoffrey II Martel Ferreol Gastinois Plantagenet