Lewis-Powers Family History
The Genealogy of the Lewis-Powers Family
U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970
Title U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970 Author Ancestry.com Publisher Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. Repository Ancestry.com Source ID S-1518897294 Linked to (51) Esther Austin
Sarah Bagley
John Beecher, Jr.
John Beecher, Sr.
Sarah Bennett
Sarah Blanford
Capt Joseph Chamberlain
James Chamberlain
Abral Cobb
Jane Deweese
Mary Duty
Lydia Gates
Rachel Gillett
Lydia Gregory
Lydia Gregory
Phineas Gregory
Phineas Gregory
Emma Hale
Elizabeth Hall
Elizabeth Hall
Captain Oliver Hanchett
David Hanchett
Emma Barton Hanchett
Olive Hanchett
Nathaniel Harmon
Nathaniel HARMON
Jonathan Hathaway
Elizabeth Hobbs
Bethia Hopkins
Mary Johnson
Elizabeth Kellogg
Deacon John Keyes
Eli Keyes
Elias Keyes
Elizabeth Latham
John Mack
Jonathan Mack
Jonathan Mack
Josiah Mack
Lucy Mack
Solomon Mack
John Merriam
John Merriam
Isaac Powers
Simeon Powers
Sarah Prescott
Curtis Edgerton Reed
Daniel Reed
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