Lewis-Powers Family History
The Genealogy of the Lewis-Powers Family
Walter FitzRoger dePitres, High Sheriff of Gloucestershire

( = Descendancy chart to this point,
= Expand,
= Collapse)
- 1 Walter FitzRoger dePitres, High Sheriff of Gloucestershire [1] b. 1070 d. 1127
EmmaBertaBertha de Ballun b. 1069 d. 1099
- 2 Sir Miles (Milo) FitzWalter, 1st Earl of Hereford and Lord Brecknock [1.1]
b. 1097 d. 24 Dec 1143
Lady Sybil de Neufmarche, Countess of Hereford b. 1093 d. 24 Dec 1143
- 3 Lady Bertha de Fitzwalter, Duchess of Gloucester [1.1.1]
b. 1130 d. 1204
William III de Braose, Lord of Bramber "Ogre of Abergavenny" b. 1112 d. Mar 1192
- 4 Matilda De Braose []
b. 1150 d. Yes, date unknown
- 4 Bertha de Braose []
b. 1151 d. 1240
- 4 Lord William Braose, of Bramber "7th Baron Abergavenny" IV []
b. 24 Dec 1153 d. 9 Aug 1211
- 4 Engeram de Braose []
b. 1154 d. 5 Feb 1226
- 4 William IV De Braose []
b. 1155 d. 1210
- 4 Lady Sybil de Braose, Countess of Derby []
b. 1157 d. 6 Feb 1227 [ =>]
- 4 Matilda De Braose []
- 3 Lady Bertha de Fitzwalter, Duchess of Gloucester [1.1.1]
- 2 Sir Miles (Milo) FitzWalter, 1st Earl of Hereford and Lord Brecknock [1.1]